Business Upgrade SEO Landing Page

picture of business landing page

Suggested lay out and optional image for the landing page.

This is a Search Engine Optimized landing page.

Meta Data

Page Title: Get an upgrade to business class now | Executive Travel Tips

Meta Description: Get the best, on time information on how to upgrade to business class.

Keywords: upgrade-business-class.


[See notes below]


[Headline H1]

Get an upgrade to business class now!


[Body text[JD1] ]

For business travelers an upgrade isn’t a perk, it’s a necessity.

But getting an upgrade to business class is getting harder.

And let’s be honest, whose got time to check dozens of apps and websites every day on the off-chance they might offer something useful?

Wouldn’t it make sense to have someone who knows the industry inside and out do the hard work for you?

And then give you the Best information In One Place and on Time?


[Sign Up Text Box[JD2] ]


That’s why you need our newsletter.

So if you want to get an upgrade without spending half your working day trying to find out how,

let us do the work for you!


Download our FREE report[JD3] :



[Picture caption[JD4] ]

Don’t Stand in line: Upgrade to business class!

[Image alt: 1950’s poster, crew saluting passenger]


 [JD1]Font and font colour can be altered but should retain white background.

 [JD2]The sign up button should keep the text and colour format as shown. Background should be another colour from main text, but subtle.

 [JD3]The free report is intended as the gift for the reader and also offers a second opportunity to collect name and email data even if they don’t sign up for the newsletter.

 [JD4][Alt Text]: Don’t stand in line: Upgrade to business class!

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