Frequently asked questions.

Why should I hire you?

The last thing you want is content that is badly written, in poor English and boring.

That’s not something you want associated with your company and brand.

Your content needs to be genuine.

Content written by someone who understands your target audience, and your business needs.

With more than 30-years-experience writing and editing a range of subjects from legal issues, crime, business, politics and economics, to security and even sport and lifestyle, I can work with you to produce website, email and social media content that is well researched, builds real trust, is truly engaging, and genuinely answers the questions your audience are actually asking.

Readers need to feel that you understand them and speak their language.

Try and fake it and they’ll know.

I work with you to provide what you need, when you need it and how you need it.

Why do I need a content marketing strategy?

At its best, a properly thought out and planned content marketing strategy moves your sales approach away from the tired and overworked traditional techniques and creates a solid foundation to build confidence and trust with your customers both online and through social media.

It builds a user experience (UX) that has people coming back for more … and recommending you to their friends.

Instead of bombarding them with one off ads, content marketing provides a long-term strategy which snowballs into real benefits for your company.

The advantage is that you are able to build brand awareness and trust in a way that wins over prospects and leads, builds customer loyalty and brand advocates.

But it needs to be a proper strategy.

You create a foundation and then build on it, with more and better content.

How long does good content strategy take?

It’s not going to happen overnight.

For a SEO content marketing strategy to work it’s essential to really know your clients.

This means research. We need to develop a good customer profile.

We need to understand how they operate on social media and the kind of user experience (UX) they’re looking for.

Then we need to craft the content to that profile. It’s not a one-size-fits-all sales page.

We’ll also need to keep the content fresh and relevant over time, and add new content.

The point is, we’re trying to build a trusting relationship with customers and that takes time - time for them to get to know you, and commit to you.

Try and rush the process with content that just shouts at them to buy may get you some customers, but you’ll be leaving most of them behind.

People want conversations, so that’s what we need to do. After all, if you met someone for the first time, would you completely trust them right from the get-go? Exactly. So why should an online customer be any different from you?

But I appreciate you have a business to run, so I'll work closely with you from the start to set realistic deadlines that satisfy your requirements, but also ensure that you get good, effective content.

What does it cost?

Again, that depends on how much copy you need and what sort of copy.

Good content needs:

  • Strong headlines that deliver a desired outcome.

  • Text that talks to the reader and helps them.

  • Helpful information that guides a reader through your site.

  • Research that convinces the reader that your option is the best option.

  • Effective calls-to-action.

  • Search Engine Optimization across content and site pages.

So, yes, hiring me might cost more than some other writers who offer to throw together bits of copy in a rush for peanuts, but you get what you pay for.

I don't have hidden fees or add on charges.

We agree a fee at the start that you think is fair and reasonable for the amount of work needed and that's it. No extras, additions or padding.

So contact me now and lets move your business to the next level, together.