
running track in the fog

The Really Easy 7-Step Beginners Fitness Guide

Intended as a simple informational article to help readers who are starting, or planning to start a fitness regime. Links to “related articles” are used to move the reader towards a specific outcome. Aim is to provide valuable content for the reader without being salesy but to rely on good research with links to trusted outside sources to build credibility.

picture of battered old shoe

Simple Guide To Buying The Right Running Shoes.

Provides useful and trustworthy information to help build a relationship with the reader. Links to “related articles” are used to move the reader towards a specific outcome. Aim is to provide valuable content for the reader without being salesy but to rely on good research with links to trusted outside sources to build credibility.

elderly woman sitting on bench

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

To be used either as a stand-alone article or blog, or as part of a e-newsletter based around a specific theme, in this case stress. Aim is to provide valuable content for the reader without being salesy but to rely on good research with links to trusted outside sources to build credibility and trust. Also contains internal “related articles” links to other content in the series.

person using smartphone

Your Best Stress-buster Is In Your Pocket

To be used either as a stand-alone article or blog, or as part of a e-newsletter based around a specific theme, in this case stress. Aim is to provide valuable content for the reader without being salesy but to rely on good research with links to trusted outside sources to build credibility and trust. Also contains internal “related articles” links to other content in the series.

picture of dog treat landing page


The intention was to create an email that would drive readers towards a landing page. The email was written as though from the company owners themselves as emails perform better when the “From” is sent by an individual rather than a company as it creates a more personal tone. Tone of the email was deliberately chosen, bad grammar and all. A recommended web layout draft and text content for the landing page are also included pulling all the elements together with suggested image.

old treasure map

The Quest For The Shoe of Sport

Email newsletters are a powerful way to build solid relationships with prospective customers. This three-part email tells a story in an imaginative and effective way to build interest and to move the reader, gently, towards a desired outcome which is to click on a link to a catalogue page. It is a three-part series because very few readers will click on the link in the first one or two emails, which is why the push in the final email is a little more obvious. Although imaginative, the story resonates with readers because it revolves around a real problem or issue many of them may have faced. An effective email series doesn’t have to involve an imaginative story. Stories about past customers, problems solved by a brand, how the brand was developed, even company employees or company events, told right, can all build reader retention.

image of business landing page

Business Upgrade Landing Page

This is a Search Engine Optimized (SEO) landing page for an email sales letter developed separately by the client, which focussed on providing travel tips for business people. The central theme was shown following research which indicated the majority of business people do not see an upgrade as a perk, but as an essential work requirement. A recommended web layout draft is also included pulling all the elements together with suggested image.

image of smiley faces

How To Keep Your Staff Motivated

Article published on LinkedIn to illustrate a brand’s connection to a topical news-issue, and to create brand awareness and credibility on a section of social media. Placing a brand within a current news context in an article which provides solutions to a problem is a very effective way to develop trust. The article is not intended to directly sell, but to build brand recognition.

Contact me now and together let’s start creating the kind of high-value content you need and your audience wants.