Your Best Stress-buster Is In Your Pocket.

person using a smartphone

One of the best tools you have to tackle stress and anxiety may already be in your pocket.

Life is full of stress. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is.

And most often it hits us in small everyday packages.

The daily commute to work, dealing with an irritating colleague, a family argument, a computer that just refuses to do what it’s supposed to do no matter how much you shout at it.

The list is a long one and at some time or another we’ve probably experienced most of the items on that list.

The danger for our wellbeing is that all too often we let these things fester.

We build them up in our minds, picking away at them, until something that is frankly just a minor issue, takes on mammoth proportions.  

The chances are that once one of these stressors starts to get under our skin, everything else during the day will also begin to annoy us until by the end of the day we feel the world has got it in for us. 

What we need to do is tackle the first signs of stress straight away. Stop it in its tracks.

And there’s a simple way to do that.

Pull out your smartphone.

Key takeaways:

  • Humour - Find YouTube videos, look up jokes, watch a favourite comedy.

  • Playing mind games – Puzzles, crosswords, sudoku, can all help.

  • Listen to music – Fast tempo music to feel alert, slower music helps you relax.

  • Do something creative - Drawing, writing, just doodling can all help you relax.

  • Call a friend  - Talking to someone can help put problems into perspective.

  • Meditate – Use an app to gently guide you through a relaxing meditation session.

Yes, really that little bit of rectangular plastic that some people can’t even go to the bathroom without, could be the best tool you have to diffuse internal tension, and keep your health on track.


Well the scientific term for this is “distraction” and it works.

It means taking our minds off the problem for a while by doing something we enjoy and which is relaxing.

And here are some well-proven ways you can use your phone the next time you feel like biting the furniture:

Humour - Using laughter to relieve stress and anxiety is probably as old as time and it works.

So, the next time you feel anxious, or stressed, turn to humour. Use your phone to find videos on YouTube, or look up some jokes, watch a favourite comedy.

It’s easy and is possibly one of the most effective ways of diffusing an anxious moment. 

Playing mind games – No, not manipulating others, well, yes, all right you could do that, but we’re talking about games that make you think like puzzles, crosswords, sudoku, even writing up a shopping list can all help.

Listen to music – Fast tempo music can make you feel more alert, upbeat and confident, while slower music can help you relax and sooth away anxiety. Whatever your preference, music is a proven help.

Do something creative - drawing, painting or even just doodling can all help you relax, all you need is an app or two and a finger … or two, we did say get creative.  

Call a friend  - Sure it’s basic, but spending time with friends and family shooting the breeze, can help put your problems into perspective and show you that there are people who are there for you.

 Meditate – This may take a little practice at first, but there are apps that’ll gently guide you through a meditation session and help you focus.


So when you feel like exploding, breathe, avoid any sudden or violent movements and pull out your smartphone.

It could just save your life.

(Related articles: Don’t sweat the small stuff.)

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